Welcome to the Research Ireland Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science
Our vision is to train a generation of highly skilled genomics data scientists.
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We are a PhD training programme, linking together approximately 100 genomics data science group leaders based at six Irish institutions
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Our vision is to train a generation of highly skilled genomics data scientists
These young scientists will harness the potential of genomics and data science to the benefit of a wide range of sectors of the Irish economy and society
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Why study Genomics Data Science?

A genome is the DNA or genetic material of an organism and it contains all of the information needed to build that organism. Genomics is the study of the genomes and modern genomics technologies such as high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies generate vast amounts of genomics data. 

Genomics Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that applies statistics and the tools of data science to analyze and interpret the data generated by modern genomics technologies. Data generated by these technologies is often termed multi-omics data and can include information on DNA, RNA, proteins, epigenetic modifications and metabolites, amongst others. Genomics Data Science allows us to better understand biological systems, and to leverage genomic technologies to benefit science, medicine, society and the economy.

Recruitment for PhD positions is now closed

The CRT has a defined timespan and is now coming towards the end of its funding cycle so no further students will be recruited to the programme.

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